Encouraging, Educating & Empowering

Assisting Kansas parents and their sons and daughters who have disabilities and/or special health care needs.
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About Families Together, Inc.

We are here to help, whether you are just starting out or experiencing a challenge along the way. We provide assistance with early intervention, education, health care, transitions, and community resources to support the academic, behavioral, social, emotional, and mental well being of children, youth, and families.

Kansas’ Central Hub for Supporting Families

We are Kansas’ federally designated Parent Training & Information Center (PTI) and Family-to-Family Health Information Center (F2F). We provide support to families and their children with disabilities, and special health care needs. Our Parent-to-Parent program matches parents who have experience raising a child with a disability with parents who need someone to listen, encourage, and support them.


You are not alone!

Families Together services are free to families that include a child/youth with learning, behavioral, physical, emotional, and/or health challenges. For more information about our programs and services, visit the Programs page.


My child has a disability.

The staff at Families Together understands and is here to listen.

They are struggling in school.

We can help you understand the special education process.

I need help at home.

We can connect you with resources in your community.

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They are being bullied.

We can provide tips and tools on dealing with bullying.

I'm not sure what will happen after high school.

We are here to help you and your youth navigate the transition to adulthood.

They were suspended.

We can help you learn about positive behavioral supports.

No one understands.

We can connect you with another parent who has similar experiences.

What Our Families are Saying

In an afternoon, I think you have changed my son’s future and my confidence as a mother.

-A Mom 

This site is a great resource for families dealing with disabilities and other challenges. Families Together provides information and encouragement with compassion - thanks for all you do!

They helped me with issues with my son and his school.

I recently had a family tell me what a wondrous level of resources you had for Transition. I agree. You are absolutely one of the most learned content experts on the subject. So grateful for all the information you provide and guidance you give.
-Social Worker at CMH

Thank you so much for the information you sent to me.  It helped me feel more prepared for my daughter’s IEP meeting.

-Mom from Topeka

Every person I have met here at Families Together, Inc. is so kind. Whenever I have any questions, they have helped me, and they have oriented me. They have given me the strength to continue fighting for the welfare of my children.

-A Mom

Support Our Mission

We are a non-profit organization assisting families across Kansas since 1982. Chances are, our organization may have touched your life, the life of a family, or professional that you know. Will you help us continue to make a difference?


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