Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
- Are all academic and functional skills identified?
- Are social, emotional and behavioral needs identified?
Annual Goals
- Are the goals measurable, reasonable and attainable?
- Are all academic and behavioral needs addressed?
- Is each goal reflective of the student’s needs?
IEP Services
- What types of specialized instruction or services, including behavioral interventions, does my child need?
- Where will services be provided and who will provide them?
- When will services begin and end?
- Does the IEP include a Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan if the student’s behavior interferes with learning?
- Does the student need assistive technology to help him/her with class work, homework or long term assignments?
- Does the student need preferential seating or extended time for assignment completion and/or tests?
- Does the student need modifications for class work, homework, or behavior?
- Will the student need accommodations or modifications to participate in statewide/district-wide assessments?
Monitoring Progress
- How will the student’s progress be measured?
- How and when will I be informed of progress?
- How will I know if the progress is enough so that he/she will achieve his/her goals by the end of the year?