Transition to Adulthood

Kansas requires Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for students age 14 and older begin the process of planning for the student to transition from high school to post-school education, work and adult living.

The transition process is intended to result in a comprehensive, coordinated plan of activities to be implemented during the term of the IEP. Transition planning is all about what the student wants to do after high school

Young man with rabbit

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Services for Students Age 18-21

  • Chapter 8 of Kansas Special Education Process Handbook (pg. 6 of pdf) If a child with a disability is 18 years of age or older and is still eligible for special education and related services, can a school district require that child to participate in an “18-to-21 program”, or must the child’s IEP Team individually determine the educational placement, services and supports that are appropriate for that particular child?

Still have questions?

We are here to help. 

Our services are free to families that include a child or youth with learning, behavioral, and/or health challenges. Our staff are also parents or family members of children with disabilities and/or special health care needs, so we understand that the process can be overwhelming and confusing at times.