Bullying & Harassment


For Parents

For Parents & Educators

For Students

Office for Civil Rights

Kansas Anti-Bullying, Cyberbullying & Character Development Legislation (HB 2758)

The 2013 Legislature amended the anti-bullying statute (KSA 72-8256) and effective July 1, 2013 requires schools to include the fol
lowing in their bullying policies:
1) Bullying means: a) any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal, electronic or physical act or threat either by any student, staff member or parent towards a student or by any student, staff member that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that such gesture, act or threat creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment that a reasonable person, under the circumstances, knows or should know will have the effect of:

  • Harming a student or staff member, whether physically or mentally;
  • Damaging a student or staff member in reasonable fear of harm to the student or staff member; or
  • Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of damage to the student’s or staff member’s property;
  • Cyberbullying; or
  • Any other form of intimidation or harassment prohibited by the board of education of the school district in policies concerning bullying adopted pursuant to this section or subsection € of K.S.A. 72-8205 and amendments  thereto.

The 2008 Legislature amended the anti-bullying statute and effective July 1, 2008, requires school districts to:

  1. adopt and implement a plan to address cyberbullying, and
  2. adopt policies prohibiting bullying on school property, in school vehicles, or at school-sponsored activities, and
  3. adopt and implement a plan to address bullying, which must include provisions for training and education of staff and students.
  4. upon request of a school district, the state board shall assist in the development of a grade appropriate curriculum for character development programs.