How to Have Productive Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting

How to Have a Productive IEP Meeting pdf version

Parent participation as a member of the IEP team and involvement in the IEP process is vital to a child’s success in school.

To help make your child’s IEP appropriate, you should review all the information you have about your child including evaluations, progress reports, report cards, medical information, etc. This will help you identify your child’s strengths and needs.

Next, review your child’s draft IEP. On the reverse side are some questions to guide you. You can also discuss these questions with the other members of the IEP team if you need more information or have concerns.

Once the IEP team has addressed the child’s strengths and needs and agreed upon goals, placement in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) will be determined.

Questions For Developing The Most Appropriate IEP

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

  • Does it include a statement of how your child’s disability affects involvement and progress in the general curriculum?
  • Are all academic and functional skills identified?
  • Are social, emotional, and behavioral needs identified?

Annual Goals/Objectives

  • Are the goals measurable, reasonable and attainable?
  • Are all academic and behavioral needs addressed?
  • Is each goal reflective of my child’s needs?

IEP Services

  • What types of specialized instruction, or services including behavioral interventions, does my child need?
  • Where will services be provided and who will provide them (individually, in a group, in the classroom, direct service or by consultation)?
  • When will services begin and end?
  • Does the IEP include a Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan if my child’s behavior interferes with learning?
  • Does my child need assistive technology to help him/her with class work, homework or long term assignments?


  • Does my child need preferential seating or extended time for tests, etc.?
  • Does my child need modifications for class work, home work, or behavior?

Monitoring Progress

  • How will my child’s progress on each goal be measured?
  • How and when will I be informed of progress?
  • How will I know if the progress is enough so that he/she will achieve his/her goals by the end of the year?