Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
1. Is there sufficient information on what the child is doing now?
____ strengths
____ needs related to the child’s disability
____ parent concerns
____ interests
2. How does the child’s disability affect his/her access to and progress in the general curriculum?
3. Does the PLAAFP establish a baseline of information about the child?
____ measurable – means observable (you can see it, hear it, count it)
____ functional – means useful in the child’s daily environment
____ identifies any special factors
____ describes both academic and non-academic areas
____ includes results of most recent evaluation or re-evaluation (e.g. formal and informal educational performance data, state and/or district assessments)
Annual Goal(s)
1. What can the child accomplish in 12 months?
____ related to the disability
____ related to the Kansas standards & general curriculum
____ functional
____ measurable
2. Is the goal stated in the following terms:
The child – will do what – to what level/degree?
3. Does the goal apply to a variety of situations and activities?
4. Can you describe the behavior the child will be doing when the goal is reached?
Short Term Objectives/Benchmarks (only required for students who take the alternate assessment)
1. What will the child need to do to achieve each annual goal?
____ at least 2 per each goal
____ a precursor step or building block skill
____ measurable
2. Do the short-term objectives define the intermediate steps to a goal?
The child – will do what – to what level/degree- under what conditions?
3. Do the benchmarks identify major milestones in achieving a goal?
The child – will do what – to what level/degree – by when?