The School
- Does your child attend a regular public school?
- Is this the same school s/he would attend if s/he did not have a disability?
- Is the school physically accessible (Are water fountains, bathrooms, & other facilities accessible?)
Physical Integration
- Does your school see special education as a service not a place?
- Are special education services available in general education classes & settings?
- Are special classes & programs spread throughout the school (as opposed to being congregated in a separate section or wing)?
- Are special classes & programs located alongside regular classes?
- Are special classes & programs indistinguishable from regular classes (e.g., Room 220 instead of the Resource Room)?
Social Integration
Does your child use:
- The cafeteria at the same times as other students?
- Hallway lockers at the same time as other students?
- The school playground with other students
- Regular school buses with other students?
- The school library or media center in a small group?
Does your child participate in (to the same extent as other students):
- School assemblies
- Graduation exercises
- School social activities
- Clubs
- Regular music classes
- Regular art classes
- Regular physical education classes
- Homeroom
- Study Halls
- Field trips with other students
- Does your child perform the same school jobs as other students (e.g., attendance monitor, audio visual equipment aide, or cafeteria help)?
- Is your child integrated with regular education students when s/he participates in regular activities?
- Does your child’s school encourage students without disabilities to become helpers &/or friends of students in receiving special education services?
- Does the IEP specifically address the LRE/Least Restrictive Environment?
- Does the IEP provide for participation in regular academic or extracurricular activities?
- Does the School District have written criteria for making decision the LRE?
- Are supportive services (aides, interpreters, equipment) provided when you child participates in general education activities?
- Are resource rooms used as a supplement to regular education programs rather than being used as placements (i.e., do students spend more time in regular programs than resource rooms)?
- Does the IEP specify criteria for movement to a least restrictive program?
- Does the IEP focus on the student’s strengths?
Parent Involvement
- Are you encouraged to provide ideas & suggestions on integrating your child into regular school activities?
- Does the school encourage parents of special education students to participate in the PTA?
- Does the school explain the program options available to students to parents?
- Are typical students encouraged to interact with special education students?
- Do social studies, health & other academic courses include sessions on disabilities?
- Do regular school teachers promote positive attitudes among regular education students?
- Does the school have books, films, & media presentations on disabilities?
- Are parents of students with disabilities & adults with disabilities invited to speak regular classes?
- Do special education teachers coach athletic teams, serve as homeroom teachers, sponsor school service clubs, & perform other faculty responsibilities?
- Do regular education & special education teachers share the same lounge?
- Do regular & special education teachers hold joint staff meetings?
- Are in-service training sessions on special education offered to all school personnel?
- Do regular & special education teachers plan integrated activities together?
- Are consultants available to help special & regular education teachers with curricula?
- Does the principal demonstrate support for integration with staff & parents?
- Is the principal involved with special education programs?