Altering the Physical Environment
- Seat near teacher
- Assign student to low distraction work area
- Seat near positive peer models
- Use rows instead of tables in classroom
- Don’t assign to open classroom setting
- Use study carrel
- Stand near student when giving instructions
Alter Presentation of Lessons
- Adjust work load (reduce rote writing)
- Use visual aids with oral presentations
- Give student outline of material to be covered in the lesson prior to beginning lesson
- Highlight instructions by emphasizing the major points
- Permit student to tape record lesson
- Provide student with written instructions concerning the lesson
- Give clear behavioral objectives
- Clearly explain grading criteria for all assignments
- Break lesson into short segments
- Ask student to repeat instructions
- Use high – impact, game – like materials
- Modify student’s schedule
- Call on student often
- Give reminders for student to stay on task
- Alter Testing/Evaluation Procedures
- Permit un-timed testing
- Arrange for oral testing
- Have resource teacher administer tests
- Use short, frequent quizzes
- Permit breaks during tests
- Permit student to type tests by use of computer in classroom
- Adjust grading criteria
Alter Design of Materials
- Use large type
- Keep page format simple
- Use dark ink
- Use buff-colored rather than white paper to reduce glare
- Divide page into clearly marked sections
- Remove distractions from paper
Provide Organizational Assistance
- Schedule a study hall in last period of day
- Provide AM check-in to organize for day
- Provide PM check-out to organize for homework
- Provide lunch-time check-in to organize for afternoon
- Give time to organize desk during class
- Provide training in time management
- Provide training in study skills
- Provide training in how to take tests
- Use a schedule or day timer to plan for long term assignments
- Provide periodic review of student=s notes
- Provide training in how to take notes
- Allow student to take notes by use of PC or laptop computer in classroom
Employ Effective Motivational Techniques
- Increase frequency of feedback
- Provide a daily assignment sheet
- Send daily progress note home
- Send weekly progress note home
- Periodically review the student=s progress with student and parents
- Encourage student to use a computer at all times to complete school work
- Use a “response cost” for misbehavior, student subtracts a set amount of points from points given at beginning of each day which points result in a special privilege or activity for the student to participate
- Use time out for misbehavior
- Use in-class point system for positive behaviors, with points earned for positive goal behavior with daily reward experience at end of each school day
Additional Supports
- Peer tutoring
- Cross-age tutoring
- Study-buddy
- Work with teacher aid or personal assistant
- Meet with teacher after school
Additional Skill Training
- Provide conflict resolution training
- Provide communications training
- Teach student to monitor own behavior
- Teach cognitive self-instructional (self-talk) techniques
- Provide stress reduction and relaxation training and techniques
- Keyboard and computer usage training to use computer instead of handwriting
- Provide training in test taking skills
Parent Involvement
- Call parents immediately if student
- Conduct parent conferences on at least a quarterly basis
- Involve parents in selecting teacher(s) for the next school year
Input to Medical/Therapeutic Support
- Maintain a narrative log of significant events
- Complete teacher ratings as follows
- Look for specific medication side-effects
- Train office staff to administer medication as prescribed
- Remind student to go to the office to take medication
- Check to see if medication is wearing off too soon
Social/Peer Oriented Interventions
- Monitor playground interactions with peers
- Monitor lunch-room interactions with peers
- Prompt student to engage in specific social skills such as:
- Assign to be with adults during lunch and/or recess times
Ongoing or Intensive Interventions
- Provide individual counseling for student with school or mental health counselor
- Provide social skills training by outside mental health professional or agency
- Teach self-instructional strategies by outside mental health professional or agency
- Provide student’s family with family therapy with a mental health counselor
- Monitor behavioral plan at school and home for consistency in approach
- Maintain ongoing consultation with parents by phone and in person
- Maintain a procedure to provide crisis intervention if ever needed
- Refer student to see if good candidate for medication
- Refer student for medication review and update if noticing problems
Teacher Attitudes/Beliefs
- Provide student’s teacher(s) with in-service workshop on inclusion of students needs
- Provide student’s teacher(s) with reading materials on students with needs
- Provide student’s teacher(s) with all relevant background information on student to assist in planning an appropriate educational plan