Special Education Law

To be an effective advocate for your child in the classroom, having knowledge of the regulations, policies, and laws that support your child’s right to a free and appropriate education is critical.

Below, you will find resources created to help you better understand Special Education Law, as well as links to additional resources. 


Two books beside two pieces of chalk

Additional Resources

You may find the links below to helpful in your search for information about this topic. To view the links under a topic, click the plus sign (+) on the right to open the full list. The links will open in a new window.

Other Resources

Still have questions?

We are here to help. 

Our services are free to families that include a child or youth with learning, behavioral, and/or health challenges. Our staff are also parents or family members of children with disabilities and/or special health care needs, so we understand that the process can be overwhelming and confusing at times.